ally® Connected Care key differentiation is its ability to empower your organization to determine the best patient participation mode through our ally® CS (Connect Services) data aggregation layer.
Healthcare is not a one size fits all delivery system and you need ability to tailor to each patient needs and ensures maximum participation compliance. You are closer to the patient and thus can better assess the method they are comfortable works best. Provider empowerment is at the core of Continuity Health’s Solutions corporate mission statement.One size fits all doesn’t apply in today’s care delivery challenges.
You can choose from a FDA approved device, simple phone call (IVR), downloadable mobile application and voice guided browser access to continue the relationship with your patients. ally® CS (Connected Services ) simplifies all these options in one modular system layer for your team to use at discharge.
ally® Connected Services offers other software providers the ability to incorporate digital device data set into their application with a simple to implement API. Click here to contact us on how to incorporate ally® CS (Connected Services into your application.