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Value Based Solutions

Valued Based Purchasing Solutions

Facility based providers are facing continued pressure from CMS to improve quality across the continuum of care. Between the 1.522 facilities who have signed up for Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative (BPCI) or the current 2,597 facilities facing reduction in revenue upwards of 528 Million due to penalties, providers are looking for continuing the relationship with their patients beyond the walls of their facility. One major variable contributing to a facility’s overall value-based incentive payment adjustment factor is associated with Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) performance.

This requires your organization to track patients affiliated with the published HRRP criteria once they leave their facility.

  • Which patients meet HRRP, and what is their risk level?
  • Which programs and resources can we put them on to sustain a relationship for the 30 day period?
  • How easy or difficult is it for your organization to interact with the patient during the 30 day period? Are there social or technology barriers to overcome?

Continuity appreciates the challenges for organizations and has put together a suggested solution stack geared to solving the above three challenges and leveraging your EHR’s workflow .  Please select below which or both incentives you are focused on.